Comparing two films: Sicario (2015) & Traffic (2000).
1) Read the selections from Camilla Fojas’s book, Border Bandits: Hollywood on the Southern Frontier. (attached) 2) watch two films: Traffic(2000) and Sicario(2015) and write a three-page analysis that answers the following questions: Question 1: How does Sicario portray the “war on drugs” whereby U.S. authorities attempt to stop the flow of illegal drugs and the violence that accompany them into the United States? Question 2: How does the portrayal of the “war on drugs” differ in Sicario from that in the film Traffic? Do the two films offer different solutions to these problems? How are the characters played by Benicio Del Toro similar and/or different in the two movies? Note: Use ideas from Fojas’s analysis to help you answer the questions in part two of this assignment