For your comparison and contrast essay, select one of the topics1 below:
Compare and Contrast Two U.S Presidents that Help stimulate the economy in the United States of America.
1. A clear claim: Whatever the main point of your comparison might be, make it clear right away in the form of an explicit thesis statement. Also, as always, it is a good idea to steer clear from I think/I feel/I believe thesis statements. 2. A well-supported point of comparison: In order to advance, support your claim, your essay must have a strong line of reasoning and credible evidence. 3. The opposing viewpoint: In any argumentative essay, it is not quite enough to simply state one’s claim (position), line of reasoning, and evidence. In addition, strong argumentative essays not only identify the opposing viewpoint, but respond to that alternative position—either through concession or refutation. 4. A clear method of organization: Your comparison and contrast essay should employ a clear organizational method: point-by-point or subject-by-subject 5. Scholarly sources: This essay assignment requires a minimum of three MLA in-text citations from three scholarly sources. Essays that do not meet the scholarly source requirement—either by using non-scholarly sources or by omitting the source requirement altogether—will receive a D. 6. Page requirement: A minimum of three entire pages. Neither a 2.5 length essay nor a 2.75 page essay count as a three-page essay. Essays that do not meet the page requirement will receive a D. No exceptions. 7. MLA formatting: All of our essays must adhere to correct MLA formatting guidelines. Furthermore, all essays must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. For a sample MLA essay template, refer either the sample MLA-style essay in our syllabus, or the sample research essay in the textbook. 8. An essay title: Be sure to include a creative, specific title for your essay. Essays that are titled Essay #3, Essay #3: Comparison & Contrast, the general topic, or any other vague title will be docked five-points. No exceptions. 9. Works Cited: Your Works Cited page must include complete and correct citations for all works consulted.