Week 1
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions: (choose 3 questions to answer)
• What are your personal medical beliefs and how do they relate to your personal medical and/or healing experiences? How do they relate to what was discussed in Session 1, Lecture 2 .
• Discuss why Descartes considered the human body a machine and why this concept is still upheld in western society? Do you feel at this point in time that this concept is still valid?
• Of interest is the statement that the medical model was not set up to advise people on how to stay or become well it only fixes what has broken down !! Do you agree with this statement ?
• “The man is not sick because he has an illness, but has an illness because he is sick”. Explain in your own words what you think this adage means.
Did anything in the required reading from Between heaven and earth; a guide to Chinese medicine (p.17-47) Surprise you? Motivate you? Interest you?
Week 2
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• We see the symbol for Yin and Yang everywhere. Now that you have done the readings do you have a greater understanding of the meaning of this symbol? Briefly discuss the phenomena of Yin and Yang and the application of the four principles of Yin and Yang to Chinese medicine.
• No word or English phrase can adequately capture the meaning of the word Qi. How would you explain the meaning of the Chinese word “Qi”, to your friend or colleague?
What is your opinion on the concept of “Shen”, or spirit as described in the philosophy of Chinese medicine. What role do you believe the “Shen”, or spirit plays in health and healing?
Week 3
Activity: Five phase self-assessment activity
• Complete the self-assessment questionnaire; Beinfield, H & Korngold, E 1991, Between heaven and earth; a guide to Chinese medicine, Ballantine Wellspring, New York. p 146 – 152.
• After completing the questionnaire complete the diagram and enter your scores for physiological and psychological assessment on page 154 of the set text.
• The assessment guidelines are found in Beinfield, H & Korngold, E 1991, Between heaven and earth; a guide to Chinese medicine, Ballantine Wellspring, New York. p 146 – 152.
• Share your results with the class in your forum discussion.
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Briefly discuss what you now understand about yourself in relation to the concordances of the Five Elements.
Week 4
Complete the provided crossword relating to the organ channels, their related organs, correspondences and the Chinese clock.
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions
• Have you ever experienced Qi ? Discuss how you felt the Qi; for example was it during an Acupuncture treatment or a martial arts session or maybe during meditation.
Can you think of an example of how the Chinese clock applies to everyday health. Describe an experience that you may have had relating to the times of the Chinese clock and organ correlations. (lecturer to give an example of an experience)…. An example is the correlation of Gall bladder time (11pm – 1am) and the significance of this time in relation to the pain associated with Gallstones, which typically occurs in the early hours of the morning
Week 5
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions
• What do you feel is the most important feature of the 6 external pathogenic factors and their relationship to health and disease?
• Why are the 6 external pathogenic factors so important in diagnosis and treatment according to philosophy of Chinese medicine?
Now that you have studied the 7 internal factors from a Chinese philosophical perspective, give an example of when you may have experienced an emotion affecting your Qi. A good example is “joy”, and excessive laughter. This will have a dispersing effect on Qi causing one to feel light headed and even exhausted or depressed. With this example in mind elaborate on how an emotion may have affected your Qi.
Week 6
• Tongue; Take a photo of a tongue (your tongue) and post it up for discussion on the forum.
• Complete a Chinese facial diagnosis (self-assessment) and post your findings on the discussion forum. (You may choose to use the notes from the PowerPoint session to make a simple facial diagnosis).
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• Discuss your experience while checking out a few tongues. Discuss some of the tongues posted on the forum.
• Try to make some simple observations of your own tongue and document them.
• Discuss the importance of the four examinations in Chinese medicine. Which aspect of the four examinations is most interesting to you?
List some observations that you found when doing some Chinese facial diagnosis on yourself (this is part of the week 6 activity). You may want to discuss colour, skin texture and the relationship of the organs to the facial areas.
Week 7
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions
Discuss the historical background of identifying patterns of disharmony according to the 8 principles.
Week 8
• Prepare a dish according to the five tastes and flavours. Use the link to the Wellness Ninja and you will see a lovely example of a recipe using the five tastes and flavours. Use this as an example for your posting including the description of the recipe.
• Take a video, a photo or make a presentation about your meal to share with the class.
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• In relation to the recipe that you prepared for your activity; do you think that you will prepare it again? (Why or why not). Could you adapt this recipe to accommodate special dietary needs (such as a vegan or dairy free diet)?
According to the Chinese philosophy of foods, is dairy food damaging our health? You may want to discuss what impact dairy foods have on our health according to the five elements, flavours and tastes.
Week 9
Either visit a Chinese herbal shop and prepare a 1-2 minute video or small presentation about your experiences.
Or research some common Chinese herbs and commonly treated conditions and put this information into a short video or presentation
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• Watch and discuss each video prepared by the students and the lecturer. Make some comments on each video presented and posted.
Discuss your unique experience mentioning some of the individual herbs and the different smells you may have experienced in the herb shop.
Week 10
For this activity we would like you to attend and acupuncture session. You may do this at your local acupuncturist, or attend the Wellnation clinic at Endeavour College. You may have a great experience at our student clinic for very little cost.
We would like you document your experience while having your treatment with a little one minute video, or a couple of photos which may be done from your phone. Please put your video or photos on the student forum so that we can share your experience. You do not need to necessarily discuss your health issues only your experience during the treatment. This may include your reaction to the needling and the sensation of Qi and the after effects. You may be as creative as you like.
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
Describe your experience when you attended your acupuncture treatment. You may wish to discuss how the needles felt, did you feel relaxed after the treatment and were there any ongoing benefits. Would you go back for further treatment?
Week 11
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• What experiences have you had with any style of martial arts.
• Discuss your experience while doing the Qi Gong session.
Read the article (Journal article; The Effect of T’ai Chi Exercise on Immunity and Infections) and comment on your understanding of how Tai Chi can improve the immune system.
Week 12
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• Discuss your understanding of how Chinese medicine spread to the West and some of the issues surrounding this transmission of knowledge and the practice of Chinese medicine.
Further to your readings for week 12; discuss what you now understand about the history of Chinese medicine in China and the traditional transmission of the study and practice of Chinese medicine.
Week 13
Discuss the questions below from the Required Readings (minimum 150 words)
Forum Discussion Questions:
• Further to reading the CMBA code of ethics (Reading 3); discuss why you might think it is so important for practitioners to follow the guidelines for completing and storage of patient records.
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Further to reading the “Guidelines for Advertising Regulated Health Services”, section 6.2.3 states that the National law has a ban on the use of testimonials in advertising. Why do you think this law has been made and why is it so important.