I need you only to write the introduction and the discussion 3000 words for the introduction 1900 words for the discussion activity The yeast Candida albicans is a significant human pathogen, being the causative agent of diseases ranging from oral and vaginal candidiasis, to the more invasive systemic mycoses of critically ill or immunocompromised patients. Invasive fungal infections are associated with high mortality rates due to limitations in therapies currently available. Identification of methods for control of this pathogen are therefore an important area of research. Recent investigations have revealed that a second fungus, the plant pathogen Armillaria mellea, elicits a fungicidal effect on C. albicans in coculture. The mechanism by which A. mellea kills C. albicans has not yet been identified, although preliminary studies have revealed an altered set of proteins and small molecules are secreted in this condition. This project will set out to characterise these changes to the proteome and metabolome of A. mellea, with the aim of identifying the cause of this antifungal activity. In addition, extraction, fractionation and analysis of bioactive small molecules will be carried out using HPLC and high mass accuracy mass spectrometry. the introduction appears to be based heavily on a published review, and not based on your independent review of the literature. It is not sufficient to paraphrase another review of the area, you will need to read the literature and compile the most relevant information to your project. It would be more relevant to include some information on metabolomics methods, for example. Also, it is useful to use the introduction to give context to your study (why did we decide to look at metabolites from A. mellea? Why were we interested in the differences between metabolites produced in liquid and agar cultures (proteomics results)?) The aims of the study should come at the end of the Introduction but make sure to tailor these to the results obtained. The first paragraph in the discussion appears to indicate that the study was only to identify antifungal metabolites, which was not achieved. Instead highlight the total output from the project: E.g. To compile a database of known A. mellea metabolites To develop methods for metabolite extraction from A.mellea To profile metabolome of A. mellea in liquid and agar cultures etc. Your discussion should then address each of these aims and associated results, and put them into context. E.g. (for the 1st aim). Why is it important to have a database of know A. mellea metabolites? What types of tools were used to identify compounds in these studies? Is this database complete or are there other A. mellea metabolites that could be added? Would it be relevant to include metabolites from other basidiomycetes? Do these metabolites fall into particular classes of molecule (e.g. melleolides)? Note: These are just some example questions that can help you write your discussion but you will get more marks by coming up with your own ideas for discussion. Importantly, state why your results are interesting and will add to the study of A. mellea.