Case Study For this assignment you will select an LOWER BODY MOVEMENT/ mechanism OF INJURY that interests you and develop a case study analysis around it. Past examples have included barbell squat, noncontact ACL tear, and walking up stairs. Your first step in completing this assignment is developing a synopsis of your movement issue. Your movement should illustrate a biomechanically faulty movement (improper technique). There should be a potential for injury or an actual biomechanical failure resulting in injury. Below is an example. This can be hypothetical scenario or one you have encountered in your experience. “After practice one of sprinters complains of weakness while driving out of the blocks. She does not report any pain, but insists she needs a workout to get her drive back.” Your second task is to complete a VIDEO OR PICTURE Analysis of the movement you selected in your synopsis. Your video analysis must include five key positions that are spread out among the lower body skeletal system. If you are investigating a mechanism of injury you may use a popular media video. In this instance screenshots of the five movements would be acceptable. Third, along with your video analysis you will also complete a movement analysis chart. Within your movement analysis chart you will include the origin, insertion, action, and plane of motion of the musculature involved organized by key position. Please note that I am hereby including an attachment of a sample chart of an analysis I later created. Obviously the chart you will create will have slightly different content. Since muscles can perform different actions at different positions, it is possible that muscles will repeat. Fourth, you will identify any potential over/under active muscles, improper biomechanics, or mechanisms of injury involved in your chosen movement. I do not expect expert knowledge to be presented here. However, I do expect to see hypotheses support by what we have studied and discussed in class. Your claims should be supported with at least three academic sources not including the textbook. Fifth, you will then suggest two exercises designed to help your client with his or her issue. These can be preventative or postinjury rehab depending on the angle you take. Your claims and suggestions must be supported by academic sources. The textbook is not allowed as a resource within this section. Sixth, you will then create a Video or Photos demonstrating the correct technique for the exercises you created. Within the video analysis you will also provide instructions and an anatomical description of the movement along with possible movement errors that might occur. Utilize APA format and citations, and utilize three sources (not including the text book).