It is more than a cliché that the Lee campus is a global village. On our campus today you will encounter several Hindu, Buddhist and Islamic students from various parts of the world. They study with us, eat with us, socialize with us, share our homes and dorms, and they also worship with us in chapel three times a week. Oncampus students have the distinct privilege of interacting with these students from other religious traditions and to encounter refreshing conversations on the subject of religion, among other important things. It will be helpful if you seek out a practicing Buddhist as you begin to study Buddhism. Your understanding and appreciation will be greatly enhanced. The story of Buddhism begins with a prince who lives in a palace with his father, the king, his wife and his son. He has everything and decides to give it all away. The prince’s name is Siddhartha Gautama who lived in the 6th century BCE. Your reading will apprise you of the life and time of the Buddha, the new religion he instituted called Buddhism (out of Hinduism), and the beliefs and practices of Buddhism. Study your text and the PowerPoint presentation with this outline in mind: 1. The beginning of Buddhism 2. The life and times of Siddhartha 3. Basic Teachings of Buddhism: a. The Three marks of Reality b. The Four Noble Truths c. The EightFold path 4. Important Theological concepts: a. Ahimsa: Do No Harm b. The Soul and Karma c. Nirvana 5. Various strands within Buddhism 6. Important Technical Terms
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Respond to the Case Study “How Should Anand Be Buried?” 2. This case study response should be completed as a Word document in a minimum of FIVE (5) pages, but not exceeding six pages. The assignment must include the following: a. Summary of the case (12 pages). b. Identification of the issues in the case (1 page) c. List of possible solutions to the case (1 page) d. Your solution to the case, including supporting evidence that brought you to your conclusion (2 3pages) e. Biblical analysis/exegesis should be evident in your written and oral presentation. Consult several commentaries to substantiate your biblical claims.