You chose a policy research and analysis topic that is relevant to Canada. The chosen topic is “Taxation, government spending, growth.” Suggested policy: “Canada Emergency Student Benefit
You have to find a dataset and conduct an analysis on the topic. You have to implement a model, do robustness checks, etc. Please see below grading criteria.
You are required to produce a term paper in no less than 2,500 words on the topic chosen, presenting
your analysis and results of the research in approximately 5-10 pages, 1.15 spaced.
Understanding and Knowledge of the Subject
– Research Question is Clear
– Clear Hypothesis
– Literature Review
– Contribution to the Literature
Clarity of the Explanation
– Presentation
– Language
Depth and Methods of the Analysis
– Description of Method
– Implementation of Model (Variable Sources, Data, Transformations, …)
– Robustness Analysis
Structure and Reasoning
– Interpretation of Regression Output or Other Data
– Conclusion
– Possible Extensions
– Limitations