The report
The report requires students to carry out an in-depth analysis of one organisation built on the module Business Environment Analysis. The overall aim is to apply relevant analytical tools or frameworks to identify the current strategies being pursued by the chosen organisation and critically evaluate the internationalisation strategy of the company. In doing so, students will need to assess the bases of competitive advantage of the chosen organisation by conducting strategic analysis. More specifically, students should combine both the external and internal analysis to identify and evaluate viable strategic options for internationalisation in the medium term or long term (typically a three to five-year time horizon).
Many/most of the techniques and skills needed in Management Analysis will be provided in this module and Strategic Management, plus strategic inputs from other modules. The main body of the report should contain no more than 10,000 words, excluding references.
- A suggested outline for the report is as follows
- Introduction
Brief description of your chosen organisation and a brief summary of the key environmental factors and industry conditions.
- Analysis of the basis of competitive advantage and related internationalisation strategies of the chosen company, using appropriate analytical tools and frameworks which may include the following:
- Analysing the basis of competitive advantage: the RBV, KBV, dynamic capability and network theory
- Focusing on internationalisation strategies in terms of entry mode selections, including greenfield FDI (make), international strategic alliances (ally) and cross-border merger and acquisitions (buy)
- Evaluating the proposed entry/expansion strategies by focusing on acceptability in terms of political risk and returns (performance).
- Recommend future strategy, including justifications based on the strategic analysis and evaluation above.