A Global Assessment of Income Inequality Assume you are working for a large global NGO who conduct research and provide funding for issues such as global poverty and health issues. Your department have been tasked with undertaking a global assessment of income inequality and its various determinants. Please note there are many ways to measure income equality so you have a lot of choice here as to what data you may use. There are numerous ways that you can answer this question, hence there are many correct possible answers. However, if you do a little research you should find there are one or two variables that are most often used to measure this important concept (hint: consider the size of a country’s economy and the population of that country). You are required to provide your Manager with a brief one page summary of Income Inequality across the globe making use of the data you found on global income equality. It is important that you turn the original data that you found online into a graphical presentation within SPSS (a simple chart will suffice the point being I want to make sure you already have SPSS installed and working on your laptop). Your brief analysis can either support or dissuade the case that the world is becoming more unequal in terms of income equality. There are many great websites on the internet that allow you to source this type of information. You may wish to look at the United Nations link to source data you can utilize in your task. https://unstats.un.org/unsd/snaama/dnllist.asp When submitting your report, you must submit two files. One is a pdf file which represents a graphical depiction of the data you chose and a brief discussion – please note the word limit is 300 words. The second file is the SPSS file that you put your data in and created the graph