COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT 1: Briefing Report on the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer Market
This is an individual assignment. Although you may work with others to gather data, the work submitted must be your own original work; all sources including internet sites must be fully and properly referenced, with a list of references provided. The maximum word count (and mark allocation) for each element is given below. You must avoid any breach of the University’s assessment regulations.
Weighting: This assessment carries 25% of the total module marks.
Word limit guide: 1000 words excluding references and a one-page Appendix (see below). You are encouraged to use a reasonable number of graphs, charts and diagrams to help illustrate your analysis; these will not contribute to the word count.
Submission Deadline: Wednesday 8th November 2017 by 13:00 (UK time) – work must be submitted on-line through Blackboard. A Turnitin link will be created for this purpose.
Feedback: Your mark and feedback will available on Wednesday, 29th November, via Blackboard/Turnitin.
The pass mark for the module is 40%. To pass overall, the minimum mark for each assessment is 30%. (If your mark for an assessment is under 30%, you will be required to complete a referral assessment and your mark for that will be capped at 40%).
For this assignment you are required to carry out an analysis of the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer Market to help inform your company’s decision making activities.
What your report needs to cover:
1. What does the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer market look like? Market characteristics, dimensions and segments. (Word Limit: 300 words) (30 marks).
Here you should discuss the overall size of the market (in terms of volume and value) and how it has changed in recent years, the range of products on offer and the relative importance of different market segments.
2. Who are the key players in the UK Sneaker/Sports Trainer market? Market structure, market shares and competitive behaviour. (Word limit: 300 words) (30 marks)
Here you should identify the main companies involved in the UK market, their market shares (and how these have changed) and the basis of competition between them (price & non-price), and whether there is a clear market leader.
3. What drives the Sneaker/Sports Trainer market in the UK? Key market ‘drivers’ on both the demand and supply side. (Word Limit: 300 words) (30 marks)
Here you should identify what are the key factors driving demand (eg incomes, consumer spending, demography, fashions) and supply (eg new technologies, supply chain developments, new producers).
4. What does the future hold? Key threats and key opportunities (Word Limit: 100 words).(10 marks)
This is your chance to set out your predictions for the market over the next ten years – be as creative as you like.
5. You must also include a one page Appendix which should be used to (i) reflect on the approach you followed in your research, and (ii) summarise the main data sources you used. This is excluded from the word count.
From the Module Handbook
The assignment is designed to:
Test students’ ability to use their research skills to identify and select appropriate financial and economic data, gathered using a range of media, to analyse the particular market on which the simulation game is focused and to present this in the form of a market briefing.
Learning Outcomes this coursework assignment assesses (LOs 4, 6 & 7):
4. Use quantitative information to verify and extend existing theory;
6. Critically review current research and critically evaluate assumptions, abstract concepts and data to make own judgement;
7. Understand and apply suitable business and management research methods.
Assessment Criteria
Students will be assessed on their: · Skills in research and data gathering · Quality of analysis of a particular market · Presentation of findings in an appropriate format |
Equally weighted criteria |
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A more detailed marking grid will be provided via Blackboard.