OVERVIEW You are required to analyse the case Bonny Doon Vineyards. The objectives of the case analysis are to: • assess how well you can use and leverage strategy frameworks and tools to diagnose competitive positions of the focal firm (Boony Doon); • examine your ability to integrate the literature/theory to develop and support ideas; • gauge how well you can synthesise and integrate a diverse information base to demonstrate higher order thinking in presenting strategic analyses and recommendations; and • examine your ability to develop a strategy recommendation that is persuasive, justified, and well presented. Your analysis should be based solely upon the information contained in the case itself. The lecturer will not take into consideration data obtained from outside the case (e.g. company website, media reports, blogs). That is, you will NOT score additional marks by citing and discussing information on Boony Doon that is not contained in the case. The case presents the future growth prospects facing Boony Doon Vineyards. Bonny Doon has established somewhat of a unique reputation and position in California winemaking and Randall Grahm, the owner, is seeking to grow the business. The main emphasis of this assessment is to make a strategy recommendation from the three options described in the case, with convincing rationale and justification (i.e. in other words, don’t just state Bonny Doon should adopt ‘Option 2’—provide a compelling argument why). You are expected to make a single recommendation from the three options presented. To do that, you will need to develop some logical structure to your paper, such as an introduction, an overall assessment of Bonny Doon and its current position in the market, its strategy, competitive advantage(s),the available options, and a final recommendation that emphasizes tradeoffs and a sound justification of the chosen option. As part of this process, you will need to develop some logical structure to your paper, such as an introduction, an overall assessment of Boony Doon and its current position in the market, its strategy, competitive advantage(s), available strategic options you propose going forward, and a final recommendation that emphasizes tradeoffs and a sound justification of the chosen option(s). The report should not simply regurgitate information already contained in the case as I am well aware of the content of the case. You are required to analyse case information making full use of academic frameworks and strategy through exploring literature. Other points: • Length: 2,000 words, plus list of references, figures, tables, appendices, etc. • A minimum of 5 tables/charts/figures generated yourself for this it is expected that you will use something more advanced than a basic SWOT or PESTEL such as The Economist Model, the Market Potential Index or the Harvard Country Analysis Model • Place figures/tables in the text if it is important or in an Appendix if it is supplementary • use prose writing—NOT a laundry list of bullet points. • Use and cite scholarly references. Please note: Scholarly Material By scholarly material, this does not mean Wikipedia, Quick MBA guides, etc. By scholarly material, we mean material(e.g. academic books, journal articles) that is scholarly (theoretical and/or empirical) in nature. A key consideration for this assessment is your ability to integrate theory with practice, so the lecturer will be paying particular attention to your choice of scholarly material.