Like Paper 1, your Paper 2 is an evidence-based analysis of propaganda (or persuasion, rhetoric, public relations, etc.) based on a real-life exemplar. You will choose an event, an advertisement, a poster, a speech, a song, compliance—in history or currently—that illuminates propaganda–what you have read about in Soules, Swift, the Twitter readings, etc., and seen in films in this class—NOT from another class. Use readings from this class to ground your paper (avoid ELM, decision-making, etc.). You will discuss an original Case Study—not the same topic as Paper 1, nor a recycled paper from another class or from a textbook or journal article. The objective of your paper is to convince your reader that your Case Study is an outstanding example of propaganda (persuasion, rhetoric, etc.) at work in a real-life scenario. Your Case Study must be viewed through the lens of media, such as news, television, documentary, campaigns, online media, a speech, textbook, etc. READ THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT SHEET CAREFULLY Building Your Case The paper begins with a research question. Narrow your paper to one, succinct question that you can truly address in your paper. Ask a question that you can find evidence to address: that is, avoid asking a question you cannot answer because you have not evidence. For example—you cannot ask how audiences respond to an issue unless you have data to show how audiences respond. For example: How were the comments aimed at Leslie Jones over Twitter in the Summer of 2016 reflect an example of propagandistic trolling? That is: did the trolling reflect propaganda?
How was propaganda levelled by spokespeople who are opposed to transgendered individuals using the restroom of their choice? How did propaganda unfold in public discourse in the mass media over restrooms? Building the Scaffold The paper must be informed by one, clear theory or theoretical approach from this class that differs from Paper 1. Build a scaffold in your paper on propaganda as a foundation for your Case Study. What is propaganda (persuasion, rhetoric, etc.)? What theories support your explanation of propaganda? How is propaganda defined? From where does it arise (in the soul? On the page? In society?). Explicate and define the theory. Use two sources minimum: at least one peer-reviewed or scholarly source in addition to one other source from your class readings or from other readings. Once you provide a clear explanation and definition of the theories, you can build your Case Study. Include in your Case Study 4 key vocabulary terms you have learned in our class through any readings, research or viewings. Underline the terms in your paper so graders can find them. Make sure the terms are defined, and that they are woven into the body of the paper and relate to the paper. Terms might include advertising culture, anchoring, clutter, compliance, dissonance, framing, heuristics, manufacturing consent, media ecology, myth, pseudo-event, rhetoric, simile, social currency, spin, trolls, trope, ubiquity, etc. Sources For your Case Study—whether it is protests at the North Dakota pipeline or a famous person’s Twitter remarks—Build and defend your case. Remember: these are sources that provide evidence to your Case Study. Evidence You must provide concrete evidence to justify your claims in the form of examples and source citations. Your views and opinions must be based on evidence you have gleaned—not your belief systems. Your theory must also be supported—and my peerreviewed sources. Suggested Structure Below is a suggested structure for your paper. This is not required. 1. Introduction 2. Research question 3. Case Study Background 4. Key theories and linkage of vocabulary and definitions 5. Evidence with concrete examples that show your theories at work 6. Ensure you use correct citation: avoid plagiarism 7. Show how propaganda unfolds: what forms does it take? (Symbols? Words?)
8. Discussion of the role of the Channel (medium) in propaganda (Twitter, TV, etc.). Show how the channels of information (for example, a political debate, a videotaped conversation, a radio news story, etc.) are used to convey propaganda 9. Analyze your case. Now that you’ve presented evidence to build your case, what does it mean? How does your Case Study demonstrate propaganda at work? Provide a well-reasoned and thoughtful discussion about your case, linking it with theory (theories). 10. Critique: offer your opinion 11. Conclusions: what did we learn and where do you go from here? Write a bold, compelling and powerful conclusion. End big 12. Provide full citations and sources: follow APA style Hints Your writing should be geared to an intelligent and interested audience unfamiliar with your topic and your theories. In other words, write to inform and persuade your audience. Make your language clear. Your paper should be concise and well written, free of error and grammatically correct. Double-space. Use spell-check. Have an editor review the paper. Write, review and rewrite. Use subheads. Grading 25% Overall writing quality, clarity, depth of thinking, and sophistication of thought. Applicability of research question(s). Quality of the sources used. Structure and flow. Has the student grasped important elements of this class? Does the writer use examples from the class readings and films, or does it sound like a re-treaded paper from another class? 25% Quality of theoretical background used to build the Case Study. Does the student use a key theory from this class, that is supplemented with at least one peer-reviewed source that support the theory? Does the students show how the channel(s) (medium or method) communicate propaganda? Does the writer think critically about the medium and how it contributes to the efficacy of the methods or actions? 25% Quality of evidence: is it well presented? Is it cited? Are the explanations and definitions offered: Are the 4 key terms woven into the body of the paper? Is the evidence clearly linked to the scaffold of the paper? Does the evidence support the theory/theories discussed? 25% Ability to think critically. Ability to integrate the discussion into a coherent whole; quality of the analysis; quality of the conclusions. Does the writer make a convincing and compelling case? Overall quality of the paper—is this an A paper? B paper? C paper? D paper? Required Include a Cover Page with the title of our paper, your PSU ID (no names), the date, your word count, the topic from your first paper. No Abstract. APA style, including double spaced; Minimum 2000 words, maximum 2500 words (not counting bibliography); Page numbers; Bibliography (single-spaced); Double-sided preferred but not required; NO EXTRA SPACES BETWEEN PARAGRAPHS