Assessing the health of a local church
Step 1: Set an appointment with the highest authority possible at the church you attend. (Senior or lead pastor is preferable.)- Just make it up Step 2: Take the Church Health Assessment and record your score.- See files attatched Step 3: At your appointment, have your church authority take the Church Health Assessment and give it back to you for scoring. Use the Church Leader Questionnaire Form as a guide to interview the church authority. Finish the interview by having the leader take the Church Core Values Audit. Step 4: Compare your Church Health Assessment with that of your church authority. Compile all scores and use the information you gained in the interview and the Church Core Value Audit to prepare an essay around the question: How healthy is my church? Focus on areas where the two assessments agree and on where there are differences of opinions. Establish how well the church is living up to its declared core values. Analyze the true condition of the church and give recommendations on how it can improve. Make sure your essay includes an introduction and a conclusion. Use your assessment of discipleship principles and components as well as the understanding you have gained through your reading to develop your essay. Give examples from the Bible as well as your own personal observations and experiences. Bring out discipleship principles and give illustrations to support your assertions. This essay should not exceed 3,000 words but should be at least 2,000 words in length. It should exhibit college-level writing and include references to external resources (e.g., textbook, course lecture, scholarly article, or appropriate website). All references should follow proper citation rules in Turabian format. Give attention to the following criteria: State clearly the purpose or general thesis of the essay. Show good reasoning, supported by examples from personal experience, knowledge, and beliefs. Clearly present conclusions and practical implications. Be sure writing is well organized and employs good grammar and spelling in standard written English.