This should be approximately three pages. You must use APA formatting and citation. Please attach the
article you are analyzing to the paper for my review. Remember, grammar, syntax and spelling are
important. Use the terminology in the course; it demonstrates that you are understanding applying the
Introduction (10 points)
Summarize the purpose and finding of article. What were the research questions? What type of
research? (For example, was it a descriptive research project or an explanatory, etc.).
Analysis (60 points)
What did their literature review reveal? (10 points)
Was it easy to locate?
What are the independent and dependent variables
Research Methodology (20 points)
Was their design description adequate?
What type of sampling method was used?
Did they clearly explain how they selected their sample?
Type of Methods
Was it grounded theory, ethnography, survey, etc.
Steps in the procedure/process
Could you follow their steps an replicate
Did it make sense?
Data Collection/Analysis (15 points)
How was data collected? Is the author(s) participation in data collection discussed?
What is the method of data analysis? Does the analysis fit the data?
Findings (15 points)
How are the findings presented
Whose voice is heard – subjects or researchers
Identify one finding of the article
Do you think it matches the data?
How does it relate to the literature review?
Is any theoretical position proposed?
Conclusion (10 points)
Do they address internal validity (credibility, neutrality), internal reliability (dependability,
consistency), external validity (confirmability) and external reliability (transferability,
applicability) of their research methods? Implications of addressing or failing to address
these issues?
Are the limitations/strengths of the study discussed? Explain
Are their suggestions for future research? Implications?