Write a 6page paper in which you identify disorders in three case vignettes based on DSM criteria. Select one of the cases to present evidencebased treatment recommendations, and support your recommendations with findings from research.For each of the three clients in the Case Study Vignettes document, complete the following: o Indicate the diagnosis from the current edition of the DSM. o Discuss each criterion the client fits and does not fit for that diagnosis from the current edition of the DSM. Select one of the clients, and, in a separate section of the assessment, complete the following: o Analyze two recommended treatments for the client, and explain why they would be recommended. (One or both of these treatments should come from a current peerreviewed journal article). o Analyze a peerreviewed journal article about the diagnosis you chose for this client. As part of your analysis, describe the research that took place. ? What did the researchers study and how? ? What arguments did the authors make, and what evidence did they present? ? What were the findings of the research? ? How does the article’s discussion of the diagnosis compare to the behaviors the client displays? Discern how, as a professional in the field of psychology, you would use the information from the research to inform your professional behavior