Assessment 3a: Annotated Bibliography (500 words, +/- 10%)
This assessment aims to guide students through the process of researching for and summarising material that is required as part of the essay preparation process. Students are to research and prepare an Annotated Bibliography. This task will use one of the essay questions set for assessment three as the basis. The essay question that you select for Assessment 3a will be the same essay question that you will respond to in Assessment 3b when you write the full essay. Choose carefully.
The aim of Assessment 3a, the Annotated Bibliography, is to get you to begin researching, reading and preparing ideas that will help you write a well researched, planned and thought out final essay. To this end please follow the instructions outlined below in preparing your Annotated Bibliography.
Select only ONE question from the options detailed below in order to research and write your Annotated Bibliography.
1. Are crime and deviance always bad for society? Discuss using concepts from TWO theoretical frameworks covered in the unit.
2. Choose ONE of the following areas of policing, and using concepts from TWO theoretical frameworks covered in the unit, analyse the contemporary policing responses in your chosen area.
a. Policing drug use
b. Policing crowds (e.g. sporting crowds, protests and rallies)
c. Policing immigration
3. Choose ONE of the trafficking offences listed below and analyse the usefulness of ‘globalisation’ and ‘neo-liberalism’ as explanatory tools for why people engage in your chosen offence.
a. Sex trafficking
b. Child trafficking
C. Drug trafficking
Once you have selected your question, identify TWO different sources that could be used to answer your chosen essay question. Of these two sources one will be a peer reviewed journal article (Scholarly) and the second will be, either;
§ A second peer reviewed journal article (Scholarly) or
§ One newspaper article (Non-scholarly) or
§ One government report (Scholarly) or
§ One book chapter (Scholarly)
Based on the above, at least one of your two sources MUST be a peer reviewed journal article.
Having identified your two sources, you are to summarise and evaluate each source in relation to its relevance to your chosen essay question. The Annotated Bibliography template MUST be used when completing your submission.
Your Annotated Bibliography should:
§ Be submitted in Word format using the 500 (+/- 10% leniency) word limit, double spaced and use a 12pt font.
You must use a formal writing style with correct referencing using the Harvard Referencing Style Guide.