Font: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12. The paper should be Double-Spaced and submitted as a Microsoft Word document. Analyze, Evaluate, and Resolve a contemporary Ethical problem by applying one of three main theories studied (Aristotle, Kant, Mill). The issue chosen should be analyzed through the theoretical position that you have chosen. Your aim is to provide an accurate analysis, evaluation, and resolution on behalf of either Aristotle, Kant, or J.S. Mill This essay is not representative of your positions on these issues, but is an expression of the philosophical position you choose. The argumentative essay should be between 3 and 5 pages, double spaced. Students will be required to use at least two primary sources (i.e. items written by either Aristotle, Kant, or Mill) and one secondary source (e.g. a textbook) when preparing for their essay. Include a bibliography (i.e. a sources cited page) The textbook is not a primary source. (The text is a secondary source) Many of the writings of Kant, Mill, and Aristotle are available, for free, in pdf format online. (Kindles, Nooks, and other e-readers should have access to many free texts in philosophy directly [seriously, search for ‘Aristotle free’ as the company will try to charge you $0.99 when there is a free digital copy in their database: be careful not to spend money on these sources].) You could also go to a library. Examples of contemporary Ethical problems include, but are not limited to: abortion, gun rights, euthanasia, animal rights, etc.