EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (not included in the word count) (2%)
This section summarizes the print advertising campaign that you are auditing, including its communication objectives and the key elements of the campaign.
This section contains a brief introduction of the campaign that you are auditing; for example, which company did the campaign (e.g., company background) and for which brand. Also, why you are interested in auditing the campaign.
- A local based retail business Liquor Barons has launched new marketing outdoor and print advertising medias campaign developed by AT creative in WA. ‘Close To Home Far From Ordinary’ is the slogan of the campaign consist with multiple format print
(750 WORDS)
2.1 Industry Evaluation (5%): (150 WORDS)
What were the marketing opportunities/challenges in the market with regards to the chosen product category before the campaign started?
What were the behavioural trends (sales, consumption, participation, etc.)?
What market factors might affect the success of the campaign?
What barriers might limit the success of the campaign?
The liquor industry has various marketing opportunities and challenges. As of recently, the industry is experiencing shifts in terms of where alcohol is bought and consumed. In the past, restaurants and bars controlled the liquor industry. However, there is an increasing trend for consumers to have drinks at home where they feel comfortable and safe with family and friends (REFERENCE). This is an opportunity for companies in the industry to adapt to the changes of the market. There are marketing restrictions with regards to the marketing and promotion of liquor in Australia. The Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code Scheme was designed to make sure that alcohol is to be marketed in a responsible manner (REFERENCE). Through this, advertisers have to be sure that liquor advertisements fulfil the mandatory requirements before releasing it to the public.
In 2017, domestic per capita consumption of liquor is an all-time low. However, there is an increasing trend to consume artisanal alcoholic products such as craft beer and premium liquor (REFERENCE). Market factors that may affect the campaign includes the condition of the economy. If the economy is doing well, it will naturally have a positive effect on the campaign. A barrier that may restrict the campaigns success would be that liquor barons is targeting the older demographic and may lose out on the opportunity costs compared to if the advertisement is for the general demographic.
2.2 Brand Evaluation (5%): (150 WORDS)
What were the attributes and benefits of the brand?
What were the strengths and weakness of the brand before the campaign started?
Who were the direct or indirect competitors and their strengths and weaknesses?
Using the perceptual mapping technique to illustrate the key points of differentiation.
Liquor barons attitudes towards their market has a major benefit on the brand they have created. The tagline of “Close to home far from ordinary” came from the desire to differentiate Liquor Barons from other liquor outlets in Australia (Hannah Sparks 2016). This slogan aims to highlight the facts it’s the only WA-based liquor retailer thus creating its unique and local offering; something which this brand is successful with.
Indirect competitors are the ones selling the same products, for example Dan Murphy’s and First Choice Liquor. In order to differentiate themselves from their competitors is that Western Australians tend to have a strong feeling towards ‘keeping it local’; this means people generally feel more inclined to buy from Western Australian companies such as Liquor Barons and they target this is their tagline when they say “close to home”. Additionally what created such strength for this campaign is how widespread it is within Western Australia; with 55 stores statewide and each store customised to the suburb or town of which it is located means that it will reach such a large number of people.
2.3 Segmentation and Targeting (10%): (300 WORDS)
How was the market segmented for this product category? Discuss a) key demographic variables, and 2) psychographic variables. (*Behavioural graphic variables can be added if it is important to the product category).
Select a key target segment the campaign targeted and describe the segment in detail (following the examples of VALS and MINDBASE)
Marketing segmentation is “identifying bases (e.g. behaviour, demographics) to segment the market and develop profiles of resulting segments (Fang 2017). This campaign is the perfect example of segmenting a marketing campaign. It has been divided into multiple advertisements with three characters, each designed to target a separate audience. Market targeting develops measures of segment attractiveness, while selecting the target segment.
This brand has a clear mindset as to who they are trying to reach, they understand that in order to be successful they must be able to segment the market demographically. The general manager of Liquor Barons said in a statement; our model is not a one size fits all approach, it ensures that we give the stores all the tools they need to market to their local community and we understand that what works in one suburb doesn’t necessarily work in another (Chris O’Brien 2016). This statement clearly links to the ideas presented by Liquor Barons in the advertisement, the area and psychographics are obviously thought out, thus all customer types have been considered. Psychographics describe aspects of customers’ psychological make-ups and lifestyle as they relate to buying behaviour in a particular product category, i.e. attitudes, values, motivation (Fang 2017). The psychological variables have obviously been considered in this advertisement, with the “close to home” line within the slogan. As convenience has become increasingly important to shoppers, this line highlights Liquor Barons “far from ordinary” product offering from its competitors, with more premium and unique products at competitive prices.
The main purpose of this whole campaign was to re-engage with the consumers under the age of 40, in particular the younger end of the legal drinking aged citizens. Liquor barons has repositioned their whole brand in order to achieve this. This has involved a big transition to social media and mix media, moving from the traditional methods of advertising to majority online forms of promotion. In the past Liquor Barons had a strong connection and relevance to consumers over 40, presumably due to the strong use of traditional media. The brand felt it was important to tweak the branding to give themselves a platform and become the reserve of the customers under 40, as they were probably not receiving the message as well as the company had of liked (Chris O’Brien 2016)
2.4 Positioning (5%): (150 WORDS)
What was the brand’s positioning strategy in the campaign (attribute, benefit or anything else)? What were its competitors’ positioning strategies? Do you believe that the positioning statement was effective in terms of reaching the key market segment you have chosen to audit?
Liquor Barons banner group has repositioned its brand messaging in a bid to capture the attention of younger consumers (Jackson 2016). Market positioning involves developing positioning for each target segment, and developing a marketing mix for each target segment.
According to Chris O’Brien, the general manager of Liquor Barons, he believes they came up with a differentiated approach of introducing personality into a campaign, be it has a visual cut-through and believed to be a position unique to Liquor Barons (Jackson 2016). The brands position strategy was to portray its message though the three characters; this character being the Baroness, the one for an acquired taste of champagne and wine. The Baroness is the only female of the campaign and aims to draw the attention of other females, in particular the ones who enjoy a wine or champagne. This Liquor Barons advertisement gives the brand a unique look, feel and distinctive tone of voice in what is a fairly bland and predicable category of competitors.
900 world
3.1 Communication Objective(s)-5%:
What was (were) the communication objective(s) of the overall campaign and what were the major communication tools and vehicles used in this campaign?
- Marcom- marketing communication.
- All marketing communications should be 1) directed to a particular target market 2)clearly positioned 3) created to achieve a specific objective and 4) undertaken to accomplish the objective within budget constraint.
A marcom objective is specific statement about planned execution in terms of what a marcom program is intended to accomplish at point in time. That objective is based on knowledge of where on the hierarchy of effects members of the target audience are located; knowledge of the current, or anticipated, competitive situation in the product category; the problems that the brand must confront or the opportunities that are available.
The specific content of a marcom objective depends entirely on the brands unique situation and current details about competition.
- Include a precise statement of who, what, and when
- Be quantitative and measurable
- Specify the amount of change
- Be realistic
- Be internally consistent
- Be clear and in writing
Creating effective marketing communications requires that the communicator has a crystal clear idea of what should be accomplished.
Top-of-mind awareness: creating brand awareness – Aim: seeks to improve top-of mind awareness; message recommendation: highly creative advertising campaigns; -remarks: assumes that brand image attributes are the desired ones.
A positive Brand image: implanting positive associations in the consumer’s memory as a basis : – Aim seek to improve brand image; – message recommendation: show rather than tell. Strategic use of PR and BTL interactions to achieve message credibility; – remarks: advertising ranks low on credibility, for it a paid form of communication.
And influencing behavior(action)
New product/service introduction
Communication tools: WA billboards, newspaper
‘Close to home Far from ordinary’ campaign launched late last year and is centred around the ‘liquor barons’, three highly memorable characters who will feature across multiple channels including print, outdoor, in store point of sale and digital social media
3.2 Creative Strategy-10%:
What was (were) the major creative style(s) for this campaign (one or two)?
Analyse the effectiveness of the creative style based on A-C-V framework.
Analyse the creativity of the advertisement based on the CAN framework.
Make sure your evaluation of creative strategy flows from targeting, positioning and communication objectives.
CAN framework: connectedness: address whether an advertisement reflects empathy, creates a bond, and is relevant with the target audience’s basic needs and wants as they relate to making a brand-choice decision in product category.
Appropriateness means that an advertisement must provide information that is pertinent to the advertisement brand relative to other brands in the product category. An advertisement is appropriate to the extent that the message is on target for delivering the brand’s positioning strategy and capturing the brand’s relative strengths and weakness vis-a-vis competitive
novelty ad are unique, fresh and unexpected.
3.3 Appeal Strategy-5%:
What was (were) the major appeal strategy (ies) (one or two)? Rationale? Any advantage(s) or disadvantages) of using the appeal strategy to target the chosen segment?
- SHEDcsc have give WA’s largest independent liquor retailer Liquor Barons that the brand unique look and feel and distinctive tone of voice in the is a fairly bland and predictable category.
3.4 Endorser(s) Strategy-5%: Did the campaign choose an average consumer or a celebrity as the endorser? Why? What were the characteristics of the endorser? Why did the campaign choose this particular endorser?
This campaign neither uses a well-known celebrity nor an average consumer. Instead, the campaign team created three baron/baroness characters which have an exaggerate style. The benefits of creating a character to endorse are lower cost compare to using well-known celebrity and enhance flexibility to create a more suitable endorser’s characteristic. The image of these characters have a strong visual impact which can be perceived as attractiveness attribute from the TEARS model.
The major purpose of this campaign is to reach a new segment, young consumers under the age of 40. Thus, create these creative characters are efficient to communicate with the audience in the targeted segment.
Each character represents a particular type of liquor. The first character appears as a general around age of 50 with exaggerate pointed beard and a pair of dark shade glasses. He leaves the impression of sophisticated, respected and noble just like whiskey which he represents for. The second character is a baroness whom is noble, elegance and proud. She represents champagnes, wines and spirits which are the most popular liquor for female consumers. The baroness character can better match with female audiences. The third character is an Amber baron with a long, big beard and tattoo on his hand whom appear as young, fashion and wild. These characteristics match with what he represents for, beer. Since beer are more popular for young drinker, the amber baron can better engage with this type of audience. All these endorsers have very strong characteristics and build a high level of product and audience matchup.
3.5 Media strategy-5%: What were the media objectives related to this specific medium? What was (were) the major vehicle(s) selected? Rationale? What was the scheduling?
4.1 Design a print advertisement (20%)
Each group should design a print advertisement for the brand to target the same target segment. The ad should be a completed advertisement (close to the actual advertisement).
The advertisement is A4 size, colourful, and in jpg format.
The advertisement should have include one or a number of endorsers.
Students should include a Creative Brief in the Appendixes.
4.2 Ad comparisons (10%) 300 WORD
Compare the two advertisements in the following:
- Overall Creative Style: Which advertisement is doing better in terms of overall creative style? Why?
- Creativity elements: Based on CAN, which advertisement is doing better in what element? Why?
- Appeal Strategy: Which ad is doing better in terms of the appeal strategy? Why?
- Endorser Strategy: Which ad is doing better in terms of the endorser strategy? Why
*Students should build their discussions based on the target consumers, the product, and other market factors.
This section discusses the overall effectiveness of the campaign and what you have learnt from doing the project.
- END BIBLIOGRAPHY (2%) (Harvard Referencing Style; not included in the word count)
Part 1
Part 2
Chris O’Brien 2016, drinks bulletin. Available from: http://www.drinksbulletin.com.au/latest-news?Article=liquor-barons-far-ordinary-marketing-campaign. [4 October 2017]
Deborah Jackson 2016, National Liquor News, The Shout. Available from: theshout.com.au
Fang, L 2017, Advertising and Promotion, Powerpoint presentation, MKTG2238: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, The University of Western Australia. Available from: http://www.lms.uwa.edu.au. [5 October 2017]
Hannah Sparks 2016, Liquor Barons “Far from Ordinary” Marketing Campaign. drinks bulletin. Available from: http://www.drinksbulletin.com.au/latest-news?Article=liquor-barons-far-ordinary-marketing-campaign. [4 October 2017]
Part 3
Part 4
- APPENDIXES (not included in the word count) (5%)
Appendix 1: The print advertisement you analysed (A4 sized & image format)
Appendix 2: The print advertisement you designed (A4 sized & image format)
Appendix 3: A Creative Brief for the advertisement you designed.
Other Appendixes (if there is any).